Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Viva Il Papa!

An Inkling
I have a new hero:  Pope Francis.  Apparently I’m not the only one.  Time named him Person of the Year – a Pope!  That’s amazing.  And as I read Time’s account of his life I was all the more enthused about the one God has chosen to put front and center on the church’s most prominent stage.  It’s important that this one shine brightly for Jesus. 
Francis does.  And people have been drawn to him in droves.  There is something about the gospel well lived that resonates with people’s deepest yearnings and hopes.  They are drawn, even if they don’t fully know why.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  Jesus drew huge crowds at first.  But when they realized that his walk of love and compassion was on a road of obedience, and that it led to the cross – well, let’s just say the crowd thinned considerably.
We’ll see how that works with Pope Francis.  Likewise we’ll see how people respond if he continues to thwart co-opting by ideologues of various stripes.  They tried to co-opt Jesus too…
Pray for the Pope!  And may Jesus be honored in his servant Francis.
