Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's All Good!

An Inkling
From time to time I’ll hear someone respond to the query “how are you?” with “It’s all good.”  I don’t think that’s offered as a careful assessment of the universe, just as their own brave intention to look on the bright side.  Good enough.  But we who serve the One who is both great and good can speak the same with a greater depth and joy.
We do so in part by pausing to recognize the simple goodness we experience daily.  For example, just in the last week, I’ve enjoyed these small pleasures:
  • Visiting with my grandson, Jack, about his first week in kindergarten.
  • Diving into a new book on sexual ethics that is so well done that it’s reviving my interest in a topic that had long since become wearisome.
  • Riding bikes with my bride to the High Bridge near Farmville – what a great view!
  • Watching football, my favorite sport.
  • Reviving my morning prayer time with walking – cooler weather helps!
  • And eating dinner out with friends, conversing about things that matter.

These are simply good things, for which it’s easy to give thanks.
Then there are those other things – frustrations, temptations, and worries.  I’ve also had those in the last week, but I’ll spare you the list.  For these, too, I can give God thanks.  Not because they’re good in themselves, or pleasurable, but because he can work good even in such things, such as the goodness of ever greater reliance on him.
Because he is not simply good, but great, he can actually keep his promise in Romans 8:28, to bend all things around to goodness for his own.  Which means…
It’s all good!