Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Treasure That Rubs Off

An Inkling
In recent months I’ve seen several people link this video.  It’s hysterical in a wincing sort of way – hysterical in that it’s only a slight twist on some of our popular worship songs, and wincing in that it’s too close to the truth for comfort.

When Paul writes that “we have this treasure in earthen vessels,” he isn’t kidding!  (2 Cor. 4:7)  We can make even worship about ourselves and acts of devotion a mere charade.  “Lord, what were you thinking, putting such treasures in us?!”
Paul glimpses into the depths of that mystery as he continues, “so that it may be clear that this extraordinary power comes from God and does not belong to us.”
Yep, that’s clear.  And our laughter and wincing show that we’re getting a glimpse too.  Thankfully this is a treasure that rubs off.