Tuesday, September 6, 2011


An Inkling
There are some things I’ve wanted to do for a long time: parachute, learn guitar better, go to Africa, walk the Virginia part of the Appalachian Trail, figure out the Hill family genealogy, lose five more pounds, see a President, and make more time to read.  Do you know what I’ve done in the last year to make any of those happen?  Nothing. 
I’ve also wanted for a long time to lead a tour group to Greece and Turkey through the course of Paul’s journeys.  But with this I’m actually taking some steps to make it happen.  It’s moving from want to intentionality – setting a date, talking with Barbi Partlow about travel options, etc.  That will lead to action.
Almost every Christian I know wants to be used by God to welcome others to know Jesus.  And yet most of those Christians are not intentional about doing so – including me.  We want to; we just don’t do anything that actually leads to action.  Wanting and intentionality are not the same.
So if you want to be used by God to welcome others to faith, what would it take for you to move from wanting to intentionality to action?  We’ll be talking about that some in various settings over the next few weeks.  And as we do, you can think and pray about it yourself – do you really want to be used by God to welcome others to know Jesus?  Okay – how might you move from wanting to intentionality?