Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hey, Wanna Come With Me?

An Inkling,
I didn’t know there was such a thing as National Welcome Back to Church Sunday.  But indeed there is, as I discovered through this cool video someone shared with me.  Whom might you invite?
But wait!  Before you answer, consider whom you know that might be open to an invitation.  Do you have a friend who is not already connected with a church, but is interested in the Lord, or at least in learning more about the Lord?  That would be a good one to invite.  Forget the store clerk you just met, or the co-worker who makes fun of your faith.  Unless God directs you by writing in the sky, now is not the right time to welcome them to church.  A different type of outreach is best suited for them.  We’ll be considering such outreach moments for the next few Sundays.
But for this Sunday, how about that friend who does wonder about the Lord, or who used to be part of a church?  Might this be the time for “Hey, you wanna come with me?”  And if you think the video might help them with their questions, pass it on.