Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Join the Conspiracy

An Inkling
Conspiracy theories abound.  Some are old classics, like the Jewish cabal that secretly runs the world’s banks.  Others are new, like the government’s plot to use RFID chips (those implanted in pets) to spy on us.  (If you want to get a message to the FBI, just speak toward Fido.)  Many are politically based, and find hearings variously among red or blue loyalists:  the Obama administration is plotting a takeover at the end of the second term, and the Koch brothers have already chosen the Republican nominee for 2016.
Some are utter nonsense, and some have a shred of truth to them.  But, of course, it’s hard to tell which is which, because there are those who don’t want you to know!
Here is a conspiracy (what Dallas Willard calls it) that is absolutely true:  Jesus is King, and his reign is spreading.  It’s an open secret – secret in that so much of the world has yet to realize it, but open in that we’re telling about it anywhere and everywhere, “we” being those who serve Jesus.  It’s a conspiracy upside down from others, for rather than benefitting an inner circle, it calls on those in the circle to live, or even die, for the benefit of those not yet in on the conspiracy!
Would you like to be a conspirator yourself?  Come along.  Follow Jesus.  We’ll see where this is all going.
