Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Clicks Count

An Inkling
I met Kenny for lunch yesterday, and since I was a bit early, I did what I often do – pulled out my phone and started reading.  When he arrived our conversation began with marveling at what’s available at our fingertips (literally) with such devices:  whole libraries of information and more.  With just a couple of touches I can read news headlines, last night’s scores, editorials, Facebook feeds from my friends, the Richmond Times Dispatch, or scripture.  And on most days I read some portion of all of those – available in my pocket!  Amazing!
But mixed in with the best is plenty of the worst.  News sites, whose revenue is based on clicks, always have stories designed to appeal to the worst in us.  And so, in addition to news headlines, on CNN this morning you can learn about the latest celebrity nude postings, and on Fox you can learn about how Obama’s Ebola Czar is off to a bad start.  If the appeal is not to lust, then it’s to contempt.  And next to those are appeals to fear and greed.
Would that such appeals had no pull upon us, but they do.  And thus the continuing wisdom of Paul’s ancient words:  Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things  (Phil. 4:8).
We make our choices, and then our choices make us.  How are you being formed by your clicks?
