Tuesday, August 12, 2014


An Inkling
Last week one morning about 9:30 I got a FaceTime call, apparently from my daughter, Dorothy.  But when I answered, I saw two year old Caroline instead.  She said, “Hi Pop.”  Even as she did the phone was in motion, and I saw her face, then her tummy, then the ceiling, etc.  Gratefully I’m not prone to motion sickness.  
I had a hunch that Caroline had called me on her own, and sure enough when I asked where mommy was, she told me she was in the other room.  So we had a nice little talk – about half of which I could understand.  It ended abruptly when she hit the End Call button.  It was great fun.  I had never had a call from a two year old before!
I felt honored that she would want to call me, and even more honored when I later learned how it happened.  Her mom had let her play on the phone with a couple of FaceTime apps – FaceTime with Elmo and FaceTime with Cookie Monster.  These apps make it look like you’re conversing with Elmo or Cookie, complete with your own face in the corner, etc.  So for Caroline to pause those conversations to find me – well that felt like a special honor.
I’ve always heard that a two year old moves seamlessly between real and pretend worlds.  Did she recognize any difference between Elmo, Cookie, and me?  Hmmm.
For that matter, a lot of us wonder about how real our cyber encounters are.  Maybe fifty-nine year old Pop and two year old Caroline can be partners in sorting such things out.  That will surely be done best with an in the flesh FaceTime.
But in between such moments, I’m happy to have a FaceTime with a two year old!
