Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Yes, Even in Public

An Inkling
It’s a scriptural exhortation that I hear quoted all the time:  we must speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15).  Life certainly works better when we do.  And when we do we certainly offer a better witness to the One who paired truth and love in such winsome ways.
When we encourage each other in this it seems that we always have in mind personal, family, and church relationships.  And those are certainly arenas where truth and love are well paired.  But it’s also essential for us as Christians in the public square.
I was reminded of this by an email I received from a prominent Christian political action group in response to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling on prayer in public meetings.  The email rightly celebrated the Court’s support for such prayer.  (See my own take on this in a blog last September.) 
But the main purpose of the email was not to celebrate.  Rather it majored in ridiculing the Governor and the Richmond Times Dispatch, who had sided with the arguments of the four Justices instead of the five.  Such chest thumping contempt for opponents may feel good at the moment, but ultimately it only serves to set the truth back and to spawn cynicism about Christian values having a voice in the public square.  And that’s not even to mention the negative effect on our overall witness to Christ.
Yes, even in public conversations, we must speak the truth in love….
