Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Her Loveliest Season Yet

An Inkling
Fall is my favorite season.  I was reminded of that Monday as Sarah and I celebrated her birthday by driving out to Montpelier.  The autumn colors were amazing, and the cool dry weather made for a delightful tour of James and Dolley’s place.
With the beauty of that day and it being Sarah’s 57th, I got to thinking about life’s seasons.  We married when we were just entering the spring of life, only half way through college, but we thought ourselves well enough seasoned.  By God’s grace our early spring marriage served all the more to season us, and he has now granted further seasons.
In that spring I saw my bride blossom as a young woman.  She was beautiful in so many ways as she finished college, worked every way she could to help me get through seminary, launched as a mother of three daughters, and learned the complex roles of a pastor’s wife.
That beauty grew yet richer as summer came.  She brought great love and wisdom to our girls in their childhood and teen years.  She came into her own as one gifted for ministry, serving both in our congregations and in local and national ministries.  Then late in her summer season, she launched our three daughters as brides.
Now it’s fall.  And as beautiful as she was in her spring and summer, I would not have imagined that there was something lovelier still to come.  But so it has.  As with the beauty we beheld all around Montpelier, I can testify of Sarah that she is even lovelier now as a middle-aged grandmother than she was in the blossoming of her spring and the fruitfulness of her summer.  Her long walk with Jesus, far from sapping her, has seasoned her beauty in the most amazing ways.
And it all makes me eager to see what God does with her in winter.
How is he seasoning you?
Still smitten,