Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Best Used As Directed

An Inkling

I love that video!  It reminds me of my own misadventures, when I imagined that I already knew what I needed to know without a glance at the owner’s manual.  I only wish that my misadventures were confined to purchased products!
Hang around the church for a while and you’ll hear the scripture compared to an owner’s manual.  It’s an apt comparison.  While the scripture is more than an owner’s manual, it’s certainly not less. 
In the scripture our creator tells us where the buttons are, how they work, and what it’s best not to do with this human life.  We can ignore such wisdom, imagining that “where the buttons are” for love, marriage, gendered life, parenting, etc, don’t apply to us, or are subject to our redesign.  But in the end such adventures are shown for the misadventures they are by some sort of dishwasher reality check.
Gratefully the owner’s manual also describes our creator as ever able to restore and renew us.  Such is the grace given through Jesus – even after the dishwasher! 