Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Gift of Perspective

An Inkling
Last week at this time my mind was full of such things as:  details of the upcoming 75th Anniversary Celebration, a car repair, staff needs, sermon plans, our ongoing denominational change process, and restoring the house from “bachelor pad” to “normal” before Sarah returned from her trip.  Such concerns loomed large.
Then in a moment’s time they shrank.  Our daughter, Anna Beth, called and said that her pregnancy had become perilous three weeks before her due date, and that she was going in the hospital to deliver.  Suddenly something genuinely large had given me a different measuring stick for importance.
The same thing happened Sunday.  By then Anna Beth and Jonathan were the proud parents of little Miss Susan, and all were well.  Sarah had gotten home in time for the birth, and we had done some major celebrating.  But by Saturday my mind was again filled with those “large” concerns – until Walter gave his witness in worship about a pastor friend in a middle-eastern country who is being persecuted by the authorities there.  He may be jailed, and his family may lose their home.  Yet he and his wife are thanking God for the privilege of bearing witness there.  Again, my “large” concerns shrank. 
The concerns must be tended.  They’re not nothing.  But God has a way of surprising us with gifts of perspective.  Sometimes such gifts come strangely wrapped, and I’m sure I leave many unopened.  But these gifts I recognized and received, and I was changed – much for the better.  Now I have my eye open for more such gifts.  How about you?