Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Relishing Silver and Gold

An Inkling
Make new friends, and keep the old; one is silver and the other gold.  We sang that as a round when I was a child, and already at that age the silver of the song was available.  But now I’m discovering first hand the gold, and what a great gift it is! 
Most people delight in the silver of new friendships.  It’s an adventure to get to know new people, learning why they are the way they are, being stretched by their new ways of seeing life, etc.  That is a true gift of God from our youngest years, and one that continues on into later years.  Even at 59, it is still thrilling to make new friends.
But the pleasures of long-term friendships are new.  This week I’ve discovered more of just how golden such friendships are.  Friends in Richmond offered us the use of a house in Hot Springs for a few days, so we invited some old friends to join us – Ray, Diane, Rob, and Sharon. 
We met the Cobbs and Sherrards initially when we all showed up together at Union Seminary, preparing for pastoral ministry.  Our common evangelical commitments drew us close, as we weathered some hard seasons at a school which often looked askance at us.  So we had that in common.
And actually much more.  We were also with each other for births and first birthdays.  Sharon gave a baby shower for our first child (who by God’s surprising way is now her daughter-in-law), and Diane made the cake for Rob & Sharon’s daughter’s first birthday, etc.  Maternity and baby clothes were shared, along with parental woes and wows.
Then we all headed off to serve churches, hundreds of miles apart.  So we would see each other only periodically.  But our children added to the family intersections.  As teens they served at camps together, and some went to college with each other.  Ray pastored Rob and Sharon’s son and our daughter (who were married by then), etc.  Every few years we would get to gather for reunions, and would talk and pray our way through family, church, and denominational challenges.
So to the silver of forming friendships, the Lord has added the gold of decades-long friendships.  Both offer a foretaste of his gifts in heaven, where such golden friendships will stretch unto forever, and where we’ll be hard-pressed ever to exhaust the silver of new friendships.  Think of all the faithful from across the globe and the generations.  That’s a lot of silver!  The silver and gold of friendships now is but a bare glimpse of what the Lord has in store for us all.
Who but the Lord can give such gifts?!  To honor such a Friend, to whom might you be a friend today?
