Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Synergy Plus

An Inkling
You’ve seen it happen.  It’s what multiplies the ingenuity of a brain-storming session, the power of a basketball team, and the creativity of a jam session.  It’s synergy. 
The dictionary defines synergy as: “the interaction of two or more agents so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.”  We get it, not so much because of the definition, but because we’ve seen it happen.  And “happen” is the right word, because synergy isn’t something you can program. 
It “happened” wonderfully well this past weekend.  On Friday and Saturday our elders gathered with those from Christ Church at Richmond Hill for our annual retreat.  Then on Sunday our congregations gathered for worship.  Dana Allin, the top leader for our new denomination, was present to lead both.
When we gather in the name of Jesus and pray for his Spirit to unite us, “happened” doesn’t quite explain how the synergy came.  It was truly a gift from God, an answer to prayers for the retreat and the worship service.
Even without the Spirit’s presence we could well have had some synergy.  We had an interesting blend of gifts:  Dana’s, along with those of Christ Church and St Giles.  But we had synergy plus – the whole not only greater than the sum of the parts, but alive with the Spirit’s presence and power.  That’s not something we can plan.  But God did, and he gave it.
In our new denominational home, with partners like Dana and Christ Church, I think we’re going to see more of this kind of synergy plus!  And the thanks go to the One who can make even synergy better.
