Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Simple Pleasures

An Inkling
Both simple pleasures and the capacity to delight in them are God’s gifts.
Here are some simple pleasures I’ve enjoyed in recent days:
  • The exquisite ice dancing of Meryl Davis and Charlie White that so richly deserved the gold medal.
  • The chocolate dessert Sarah made with Kahlua in it.
  • Jeff Hummel’s fugue prelude.
  • The simple victories of two grand daughters learning in the same week proper potty patterns (some pleasures are rather earthy).
  • Reading Andy Crouch’s new book, Playing God (it’s even better than its reviews).

How’s that for an array?  They don’t match at all, except that they brought delight, and that both the pleasures themselves and the capacity to delight in them are ultimately gifts from God.
When we delight in simple pleasures we mirror the One in whose image we’re made.  Check chapter one in The Book.  God took pleasure in the work of each day’s creation.  And when he made us in his image, he included that capacity.  What a gift!
What are your pleasures today?  You were literally made to delight in them – and in the One who has given it all.  Your delight brings him delight.  You’re one of his simple pleasures.
That’s delightful!
