Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I'll Keep Hoping

An Inkling
What a relief!  Finally the nails on the chalkboard are stopping.  Robo-calls, slanderous ads, and spin-masters have long since become torturous.  Thank God for the mute button and caller I.D.!  Of course I’m writing on Tuesday, and by the time you read this we may be in for another form of torture with the 2012 version of hanging chads.  But for now election day is a blessed relief.
Am I hopelessly naïve to hope for something better?  I guess the communication channels of our culture dictate the multi-sensory assault of campaigns.  That’s not going away. 
But do they have to stoop so low?  The Roves and Axelrods of the world have metrics that show that there is more bang for the buck with attack ads than with positive presentations.  Sadly the candidates sunk to their level.  And it happens in elections all the way from City Council to the Presidential race.  Alas.
Just once I’d like to get to vote for someone who refuses to slander his or her opponent.  Such a candidate would have to be willing to lose.  And in my judgment, that would be a major qualification for winning.
Just once?  Could we see it?  I’ll keep hoping.  And in the meantime I’ll be praying for those who do win by engaging in the current dark political logic.  May they be able to shed some of the shadows as they take office.