Tuesday, November 13, 2012

At the Intersection of Order and Chaos

An Inkling
When I hear someone in the midst of a major life struggle describe what God is doing, I start taking notes.  That’s what I did last week at a board meeting (our partnership with three other churches for orphan care in Asia).
Jim and Liz Nelson had been preparing for over a year to go on site and lead our efforts there.  That meant winding down Jim’s business, selling off their furniture, etc.  They were just about to go when Liz was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.  Suddenly their orderly pursuit of God’s calling was bowled over by surgery and chemo, and such practical considerations as “what should we do for furniture in our now empty house?”
Jim described to us some of what they’ve learned in the last three months.  I was particularly struck by his affirmation that God is much more adept at working with chaos than we are.  From chaos he called forth creation (Gen 1:2), through chaos he led a people to freedom and a promised land, and so on. 
Life is full of sound and fury, but far from Shakespeare’s words, it’s not a tale told by an idiot.  It’s a tale told by the One for whom chaos is just one more ingredient to fold into his wise and gracious plan.
We’re counting on that for Jim and Liz as we pray for them.  So, too, for our ministry partnership caring for orphans, as we try to discern what the Lord intends now for our on site leadership. 
How about for you?  I don’t suppose there is any chaos stirring in your life…  But just in case, how do you see the Lord’s hand at work?
Pray for Liz!