Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Outed By Grace

An Inkling
It’s a skill we learn at a young age and carry forward into all of life’s endeavors:  hiding the truth about ourselves and our actions, lest we lose advantage or be condemned.  And so, for example, a toddler learns to sneak the forbidden treat, clumsily at first, to his parents’ great amusement, and then with ever greater cleverness, to his parents’ great distress.  But then the parents ply the skill too, and often without any self-awareness, so woven is it into words and ways of humanity.
It’s a skill that will be totally obsolete in the Kingdom, where all will be in the light.  So said Jesus:  Nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known.  Therefore whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be proclaimed from the housetops.  
Being hauled into the light and broadcast from the housetops is a horror in this world.  And so Ashley Madison clients are horrified by the hackers who outed their affairs, and Planned Parenthood officials are horrified by the hidden cameras that exposed their vile calculations. 
It’s funny how political loyalties can shape our perceptions.  Remember Mitt Romney’s 47% speech, caught on a hidden camera?  The cheering that arose for that outing came from a different segment of the population than last week’s revelations.  That’s part of the horror.  In this world being hauled into the light is typically random and often hostile. 
Not so in the Kingdom, where the One who brings ALL to light is the same One who already knows us as we are, and yet remained ready to lay down his life for us, so that we might live in his grace.  And though the Kingdom has not yet fully come, we who live now for Jesus can already begin to live in his light.  God is gracing us to live with him in a transparency that also brings freedom.  May our lives so illumined point to him.
