An Inkling
Late in
life I received a new name: “Pop.” It’s
my grandfather name.
Few things
in life are better than hearing one’s name spoken by someone who loves you, and
is thrilled to see you. I learned this
years ago being called “Daddy” by three little girls. Sometimes they spoke that name in need, or
even in panic, and that had its own pleasure of purpose. But it sounded even better on their lips when
I was coming home after being gone, and my name became their cry of
delight. It’s funny how a simple
identifier can thrill the heart when spoken by the right person.
I’ve had a
happy echo of that experience with my grandfather name. I had a meeting in North Carolina on
Monday. Since Brandon and Dorothy were
near – most importantly with our grandchildren, Caroline and Keith – I drove
down Sunday night to grab a bit of time with them. And when little Caroline saw me, she
squealed, “Pop!” Squeals aren’t the kind
of sounds I usually seek. But when it’s
your name, and from a little girl who is thrilled to see you – wow!
One of
Revelation’s mysterious promises is that in the Kingdom we’ll be given a new
name. Hmmm. This late in life name has been fun, especially
on the lips of the little ones who speak it with delight. So how about a name to be given when life is
full, and spoken by the One who is absolutely thrilled to see us?! Yet one more thing to look forward to!