Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Shut Up and Listen

An Inkling
I could go on at length about Ferguson.  We all could and have.  But today, as a white man, it’s time for me to shut up and listen.  And so I offer no pontifications, but only three hints to my white friends about listening.
First, make an opportunity to listen to our black friends whom God has brought to be part of St. Giles.  We’re in a covenant relationship with some folks who have the eyes to see what we can’t.  Shut up and listen.
Second, listen to the voices we ordinarily muzzle with our contempt, people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.  It’s been long years since I actually listened to them.  Today, repenting for my contemptuous heart, it’s time to shut up and listen.
And third, listen to the voices of some black evangelicals.  I just today discovered a series that’s been running on Christianity Today since the initial Ferguson events.  These are friends with similar biblical commitments, but with a different set of eyes.  Shut up and listen.
Then pray,
