Tuesday, July 8, 2014

May I Introduce...

An Inkling
Little Heidi is a week old today, born to Anna Beth and Jonathan Strong on July 1.  So many firsts happen that first week:  the first good look at her eyes, the first happy (and angry) sounds, the first realizations of whom she favors, etc.  But one first was of special significance – and actually it is something we experience in some manner almost every day.
Sarah and I were privileged to be in Alexandria for Heidi’s birth.  She is our sixth grandchild, and I’m still amazed every time I meet a new member of the family.  It takes me several days to absorb what my eyes are telling me.  But what a happy struggle!
That afternoon we took big sister Susan with us for a couple of days until Anna Beth and Heidi came home from the hospital.  The picture here is of the moment when Susan was first introduced to her new sister.
What a big moment – for sentimental reasons – meeting a new sister for the first time.  Awww...
But it was not just an “awww moment” – it was an awesome moment!  Susan was meeting someone for the first time who is made in the image of God, specifically chosen by God for her family, redeemed by Jesus at the cost of his life, and destined to be her companion in his presence forever.  That’s not just an “awww moment” – that’s an awesome moment!
The headlines on July 1 were that the Supreme Court ruled for Hobby Lobby, that Israel bombed the Gaza Strip, and that the US would play Belgium in the World Cup.  While the world was riveted on such “big events,” they missed entirely something truly huge that happened on the front porch when Susan met Heidi.
And though it happens so frequently with us each day that we hardly notice, you and I would be hard-pressed to find something more important than meeting someone for the first time, who, like Heidi, is made in the image of God and redeemed by Jesus. Those are awesome moments, and they happen all around us!  May God give us eyes to see and a heart to praise.
Welcome Heidi!
