Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Fresh Start

An Inkling
It’s a saying credited to Albert Einstein:  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. 
We can see it in Washington.  We can see it in the Middle East.  We can see it in (someone else’s) marriage.  We just don’t see it in ourselves.  We get into patterns that don’t yield what we’re after.  But rather than changing the patterns, we just double down.  Insanity.
So too with the spiritual life.  One form of spiritual craziness is pursuing ultimate things apart from who God really is.  But the more common craziness in the church is Einstein’s version.
Are you stale in your prayer life, or sluggish in your service?  Are you having a hard time hearing God?  Consider a fresh start in the forms of your spiritual disciplines.  Doing more of the same will not yield different results.
And what is true for each disciple is true for all disciples.  When things are not working in a congregation (fewer baptisms than funerals, fading zeal for serving the poor and hurting, stagnant patterns of study and fellowship, etc), it’s time for a fresh start – or fresh starts on multiple fronts.
St. Giles’ Elders are seeking God’s guidance for such fresh starts.  Expect some dynamic new patterns for our common life in the coming months.  We believe our partners in our new denomination, the E.C.O., will help foster such a fresh start.  (We will finally become official in the E.C.O. later this month.) 
And to encourage us to welcome the Lord’s fresh start, our sermon focus this summer will be on Isaiah 40-55 – God’s word addressed to his people in a season of fresh starts. 
If people want to call us crazy, let’s not have it be for Einstein’s reason! 