Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Seeing What God’s Doing Through What He’s Done - Part 2

An Inkling

Two weeks ago we had our Ministers and Musicians Weekend as part of our 75th Anniversary celebrations.  At the Saturday night dinner we showed some video selections from two of our ministers about their years here.  Last week I sent you the video for Lou Skidmore’s remembrances, and this week Earl Morey’s. 
Earl pastored here from 1960 to 1985, and his formative impact is felt to this day.  His partner in ministry, Betty, had her own effect at St. Giles, and her reflections are briefly captured too.  (Please excuse the disconnect between the video and the audio at points.  I’m not sure how that happened.  You can still get the idea.)
The point of attending to what God has done is not to glory in the past, but to develop eyes more attentive to what God is doing now.  Watch and enjoy!  And may God grant us eyes attentive to what he wants to do next, both through St. Giles and each of us!