An Inkling
“Madam Moderator, I move Jesus. And if I get a second, I’d like to speak to it.”
“You've heard the motion. Now it is time for debate. The maker of the motion has the privilege of speaking first.”
“Madam Moderator, members of the assembly: it is my deepest hope that you will adopt this motion. Heaven knows we’ve got problems: sin and sickness, poverty and hunger, war and death. Each generation has fancied itself the one to solve these problems. Politicians, kings, and scientists have led some amazing efforts, and at times the prospects have looked promising. But even our best efforts of have proven to be transient in effect. We cannot save ourselves. Thus we need one who can break the power of sin and death, and who can usher in a new era of peace and wholeness. There is but one who can do it: Jesus. Thus I urge you, for your own sake, and for the sake of the whole world, to vote for this motion.”
“Are there others who would like to speak to this motion?”
“Madam Moderator, I would like to offer a substitute motion.”
“Madam, substitute motions are usually in order, but in this case it is out of order because there is no adequate substitute for the original motion.”
“Madam Moderator, I would like to offer an amendment to the motion.”
“Sir, amendments are usually in order, but in this case it is out of order because no amendment can improve upon the original motion.”
“Madam Moderator, I move that we table the motion until a more advantageous time to decide.”
“Sir, a motion to table is usually in order, but in this case it is out of order because you have no guarantee that you will have another opportunity to decide. Members of the assembly: are you ready to vote? All in favor of Jesus say ‘Aye!’”
Cast your vote now,