An Inkling
The pay is low. Those who imagine that it will be prestigious soon find out differently. Complaints tend to be more prevalent than compliments.
Which is not to say that it is without rewards. Those who are called to a task that seems beyond their abilities find great joy as they see God lift them to new levels. And the fellowship they find in the common quest to respond to God’s calling is both deep and lasting.
About whom do I write? Our St. Giles Elders. They are your Elders, in that you chose them. But in a prior sense they are God’s Elders, for he chose them through you. We’ll be installing the Class of 2013 during worship this Sunday.
We believe that God guides our church. If he wished, he could do so by writing in the sky. But ordinarily he guides by writing in the hearts of those whom he has called to lead. In the Presbyterian Church, that is the Elders.
Elders lead by envisioning. Through prayer and discussion they seek God’s plan for our church. Elders lead by loving. Although that is the business of the whole congregation, Elders show the way. Elders lead by growing. There are no finished products among the Elders – if there were, their leadership would be irrelevant to the rest of us. Rather, as they deal with their own wounds and failures, availing themselves of God’s grace, they demonstrate for us all the joy of becoming more like Jesus.
Many folks do tasks around the church house for which they receive very little appreciation. Let’s do what we can to alleviate that situation. And let’s start with the Elders.